
Last Wednesday was our 31st wedding anniversary. And all I can say is what a difference a year makes. We were so excited to celebrate our 30th last year and it was such a freaking bust. We had originally planned to celebrate it in Croatia where we got married. Then Jenna’s wedding made us put that off (thank god!). Our back-up plan was a few days in Tahoe with friends. Anyway what we got was a hike, a broken arm and a visit with mom in ICU. Anything we did this year would be an improvement!

We started the day with a long walk on the beach and followed it up with a drive down to Ponce Inlet and a seafood lunch and a fruity rum drink on the water. We went to some friends place for happy hour, dinner and played poker with a group of people who play poker here every Wednesday night. And, I won!

We rode out the after effects of Hurricane Hermine after stocking up on water, batteries and canned goods. We had some great rain and dramatic lightening, but nothing too intense.

The weekend took us to Tavares, where we spent a packed Labor Day weekend. We started off on a shopping trip to Orlando, driving there with the top down on the Mustang, which was pretty great! Tyler Krager had never been to an ikea before and it was wildly entertaining. He said he could picture Rick sitting in a room and saying, hmmm, a frying pan, I’m gonna call it Skansken. Nightstand? Hemnes! He walked through there saying let’s grab a couple of Ektorps and a ….. You get the picture. We laughed our butts off!

We bought a crib, a mattress and a wifi video baby monitor. Wow things have changed since I was pregnant. You can’t get a swing for $20 anymore…..We turned one of the guest rooms into a nursery! Poof, just like that! We organized the clothes, the accessories, the toys, the equipment. Seriously, this little girl is set for the first couple of years.

We finished off the weekend with a luncheon shower that Jenna’s coworkers put together for her. It was absolutely lovely! We got to see her office, which was beautiful, complete with a white leather chair and a spectacular view of the lake. Wow, our little girl is a full-fledged grownup! She looks fantastic! And she’s gonna be a mommy so soon! We are over the moon excited!