Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Apocalypse

Okay, well, that title may be a little over dramatic, and for that I apologize. But, holy crap batman, what the hell is happening to our country? I’m going off the rails and waxing political, so if you are a Trump supporter, you may need to stop reading right now. Although if you do read on, you may get some insight to those of us who do not share your views, and better yet, if you have something that could allow the rest of us to understand your way of thinking it could help us gain some insight. It could be a win-win situation. Although it is highly unlikely.

This recent presidential election has been the single most divisive time I have ever witnessed. I’m sure Hitler’s rise to power was similar, I just did not witness it. The last week has been a period of grieving, mourning not only the fact that a xenophobic, misogenystic, sexist, racist, homo-phobic, self-serving, narcissistic demagogue has duped a good portion of our country, but that many people we know and love feel that this mindset and behavior is acceptable. Will we as a country ever be okay again? Judging by the appointments Trump has made in recent days, I’m not so sure. I guess my biggest question and what bothers me the most is rooted in religion. It seems to me that many people who share the mindset of our new leader, in the same breath mention their Christianity and the importance of religion in their lives. How does one reconcile such a disparate ideology? Let’s all say grace and hold hands, and while we’re at it, let’s keep the muslims out of our country, deport the Mexicans, take away a woman’s right to a safe legal abortion, and let’s try conversion therapy on the gays since being gay is obviously a choice. Whaaaaaat??????   I know more people who do not practice organized religion, who are more kind, loving, accepting and inclusive than the ones who do. I am sure that is wildly oversimplified, and I do know people who are very religious who are very loving and accepting and inclusive, it’s just that the ones who are yelling the loudest about how wonderful Trump and his worldview is, are in the same breath shouting about their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot, I repeat, cannot be on both sides of this. If you are so certain about your loving God, how do you not accept that there is some good in all people? I had a conversation with a woman who lives in our building in Florida. She is a very religious southern mother of a gay man who was planning to vote for Trump. I asked her how she could vote for someone who would probably appoint Supreme Court Justices that would try to overturn the equal right to marry law. She said, well we just won’t let that happen, besides I despise Hillary Clinton. Really? That makes no sense whatsoever. You do not need to hang out with her, but you know she will be fair and do the right thing. That is when I really began to worry. I also realized that you could speak with a sweet southern drawl and be dumb as a rock (and kind of a bitch, but that’s a whole different story). People were voting to make a statement. They were voting because they didn’t like this or that. They did not vote for who would best lead our nation. This is all that we the people are responsible for and we the people failed.

I read an article in the paper this morning, about Trump’s most recent appointments. Michael Flynn who is his pick to serve as national security advisor, was quoted as calling Islam a “cancer” and a “political ideology” that “definitely hides behind being a religion.” Wow. Sounds like you could describe the “alt-right” in a very similar way. Can you say irony?

I have heard people say that people have felt this way after an election before. I disagree wholeheartedly! We have had presidents who we have not liked before, and that goes for both parties, but we have NEVER had a president who could destroy or threaten our democracy. Yes, I thought W was a total and complete moron. But I didn’t fear that he would govern for the wrong reasons or that he would do irreparable harm to our country. I’m actually a little nostalgic for that knucklehead……

Not all Republicans are racist. There I said it. But, the good majority of racists are Republicans. I have met a very few Democrats who are as well. It makes my heart ache and my stomach sick when a human being can believe that an entire group of people is evil, whether that group is defined by the color of their skin, the religion they practice or who they love. Or as I said above, even if you don’t feel that way, if you are comfortable with the notion, you are definitely a part of the problem. We must protect those who are being oppressed, for the sake of basic human dignity and respect for our fellow man. If you didn’t get involved before the election, you’d better do it now, because time is running out. I know I will. Let your congressmen and senators know how you feel. And remember, I am no better than you, and you are no better than me. And that is just the plain simple truth.


Already one year

This past Saturday marked a year since mom died. On Friday, the 28th, Tyler and I were both hyper aware that last year on that day, we stayed by mom’s side all day other than when we grabbed a bite to eat. We watched her deteriorate hour by hour. It feels like yesterday. And it feels like forever. We still think of her every day. We still miss her.

I read this on Facebook yesterday and it couldn’t have been more appropriate. image

Tyler and Rick got here very late on the 27th and we stayed up talking until 3:00 a.m. We all slept in and then headed to Tavares to see Jenna and Sloan. Tyler was very excited to meet his new niece. Before coming here he went to Build-a-Bear, and dressed it in a U of A t-shirt and added a recording of his voice saying “Uncle Tyler loves you,” whenever you squeeze the bear’s hand. It is adorable. He changed her diaper-with some coaching…He held her for so long. We went out to lunch and she slept through it. It was a fun day-very touching. And very soothing somehow-the whole life goes on concept.

There was a concert across the street when we got home, and our friends from the condo all went and really wanted us to join them. They wanted to see Tyler. I explained we weren’t really in the mood, so of course at ten, three of them were banging on our door. One of the hazards of living so close to others. Apparently they had been drinking for hours! Yikes. They were drunk. Loud. Inappropriate. It could have been very entertaining if we had been in the same “place” but we weren’t. It was a late night.

We took another trip to Tavares to spend some more time with Jenna and family while Tyler was still here. We also squeezed in a trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios on Halloween. I’m glad we were all able to spend time together for this weekend. We all needed it. I will post photographs separately-the gallery function isn’t working today.