Well, I can now say, firsthand, that having a home in the path of a Category 4 Hurricane is terrifying. We had originally planned to visit Jenna on Thursday and head back to the beach on Saturday. Keep in mind that we got to Daytona on Sunday evening. As of Tuesday, it was clear that the storm was heading towards us. Rick wanted to wait until Thursday morning, but yesterday around noon, Governor Rick Scott made an announcement that the storm was imminent and that if you are on the coast and can evacuate, to do it before mandatory evacuations. I was ready to walk out the door within an hour. Rick resisted, because it was, after all, Poker night. We also found out that all the bridges to the mainland would be closed when wind speeds hit 39 mph. (They are now closing the bridges this evening at 6:00 pm.) After getting a few texts from Jenna, urging us to leave early, I just decided it was time to go. By 7:45 Wednesday evening, our area was under mandatory evacuation.
Wind speeds on the coast are anticipated to be over 130 mph. Where we are now inland in Tavares winds could possibly be as high as 74 mph. At least we are hunkering down together. Jenna’s official due date is 10/11. Her doctor told her the sharp increase (or is it decrease?) in barometric pressure accompanying large storms often spur on labor in late term pregnancies. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the little princess doesn’t decide to come during the height of the storm.
In the meantime, 10-12 friends of ours who live in our condo building, decided to ignore the evacuation orders and are riding it out in place. We are beyond worried for them and tried to talk them into leaving. Hoping they all stay safe.