August 2016

It is a little less than two months until Jenna’s due date. The time is passing SO fast! I wondered if we’d ever have grandchildren. And now here we are. I just can’t wait to meet this new little girl! Have you ever just suddenly felt this amazing feeling that everything is right with the world? A feeling of euphoria so complete, that you can’t stop smiling?  Good god, it’s been so long since I’ve felt that. It’s like for a brief moment there is no feeling of grief or fear or worry. Do I really spend that much time focusing on that? I don’t even notice that it is apparently my pretty constant companion. Until it’s gone, and I realize I have to make more of an effort to eradicate the sad thoughts and the worrying.

I think one of the worst parts of losing a parent other than the obvious missing them, is that suddenly your own mortality is right there in your face. You can’t deny it. We are all going to the same place, we just don’t know how or when. I am suddenly terrified of dying. Or living with some horrible disease that requires constant care. It’s ridiculous and embarrassing to admit. After taking my mom’s will and trust to a lawyer to help us, we realized our own existing will and trust was useless. We had a will and a trust, but without actually putting anything into the trust, it was like not having it. So glad that is now taken care of. Plus we really like our new attorney! One less thing to obsess about.

The other thing I noticed regarding the brief moments of feeling like everything is right with the world is that they are fleeting. Very. It takes so little to get you back to the sadness. A cross word, a strange look, you name it. And, seriously, when did I start to be such a freaking hypochondriac? A headache is suddenly a tumor, or a stroke. It’s getting to be ridiculous. TMC hospice sends letters periodically checking in to see how you are handling your grief and they provide reading lists that might help. I suddenly wish I had taken advantage of the grief counseling they provide for the first year after your loss. At the beginning I was in denial that it would affect me so deeply. Then I was busy dealing with the overwhelming list of things to take care of. Now, we are going back and forth to Florida so often, that I don’t know when I’d fit it in and before you know it, it will have been a year. We will be in Florida at that time, helping Jenna with the new baby. And Tyler will be alone here in Tucson on the anniversary of mom’s death. I invited him out for that week, but he doesn’t seem interested. I can’t even bear to think of what that will be like for him.

Sorry this is another depressing post. It’s just what’s going on at the moment. Maybe the beach will cheer me up again-I sure hope so.