Saturday, October 10th

Holy shit. What a week! Friday was totally awful. Mom could not speak an intelligible word. Unless you call a mumbled okay intelligible. She tried so hard to communicate, but it was just grunting and moaning. I wanted to cry. Is she in pain? Possibly. She scowls, she moans, but if you ask her if she is in pain, you don’t get an answer that you can understand. The lady in the next room bitches and complains constantly and I want to walk in and scream, “Are you dying? NO, I didn’t think so. Then shut the hell up and quit your incessant whining, because the lady in the next room IS dying and she never complains! She shouldn’t have to have your bullshit as her soundtrack, and neither should we!” I can fantasize. Mom is now getting ativan, to calm her a little, since not being understood seems to agitate her somewhat. Or maybe it’s pain. God, I just don’t know!

This week, I couldn’t find the fabric I intended to use as Jenna’s quilt squares that I am making in lieu of a guest book for the wedding. I hate guest books. I think they are dumb. No one looks at them, and all there are, are signatures. So what. I had to go and re-buy the fabric. (I found it this morning, in the dumbest place ever) Then, one night, I came home and ran my car into the built in cabinets in my garage. Didn’t do any damage, but I still don’t really know what happened. I can’t find my car charger for my phone and it’s making me crazy. I never take it out of my car. Yeah, I’m okay.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, and it hit me that the worst thing isn’t mom dying on Jenna’s wedding day, because everyone knows not to call us on those three days. It is mom dying, after we leave, but before Tyler does. If that happens, he is alone in Tucson and we are already gone and in wedding mode. That would be awful. Please! Let her make it until he is out of town or we are all back in town. He is so close to her and I know how hard it will hit him. It will be hard on all of us, and as awful as it sounds, watching this for the last three months, I think there will be a certain degree of relief. For her, for us, everything. We have lived in limbo and it is sucking the life out of us. My friend Vivian, told me how bad she feels that she hasn’t been here to help and support me during this time (I hate to use the term, but Vivian is a snowbird). The truth is that she texts me often, as does my friend Lauri, and it IS supportive. I feel the love and the support, with no pressure. It works. I haven’t seen much of any of my friends. There is no time for that. Dinner or lunch out with friends a couple of times and that’s it. We’ve made plans with people and cancelled many times, because I can’t just have fun right now or carry out plans. Neither can Tyler. We are consumed by this, so, yes, it will be a relief when it’s over, but we will miss her forever.

It also hit me yesterday morning, that not only have I not begun to pack, I hadn’t even thought about what I planned to take. After Rick went to bed last night, there I was trying to figure that out. My crazy, wonderful closet system has made that much easier, but Rick may actually have to pack his own suitcase this time, because I just can’t seem to get in to that this time. All of my errands are complete. All that is left is my eyelash extension appointment tomorrow (seems silly, but I want to do this for the photos), meeting with the house sitter and going to the leasing office and buying out Tyler’s lease. If I do forget something it won’t be a huge surprise, but I think I’ve got this now. We’ll see……

This morning mom’s a little more awake and is talking a little more and you can understand her. I noticed that three people had been here already but she didn’t remember anyone being here. Even if she can’t remember later I think she still enjoys it at the time. And it’s good for the staff to see people coming and going. Mom’s friend Penny is putting together a schedule for people to keep her company while we are out of town. If you would like to take a shift or two you can call or text Penny at 520-237-4848. We all appreciate it and a big thank you to Penny for putting this together! It’s a huge comfort.