Yesterday’s post was SO hard to write! I was on my way to Texas to surprise Jenna and Tyler at a couples wedding shower that her Abilene friends were throwing for them. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise….but that’s why I encouraged visitors for mom. In three short years these two have built quite a group of wonderful friends! And the ladies who put this together could be professional party planners! From the setting to the decorations to the food and drink-wow!
Have you ever been on a plane when the person sitting next you just would not shut up??? My 7a.m. flight was like that. A nice old guy from Mississippi, or should I say naaahs ole gah? Even the flight attendants felt sorry for me, when I went to the restroom, one of them said I could hang out back there awhile. Closing my eyes didn’t stop him from babbling on, telling him I didn’t feel well didn’t stop him. I saw myself in the movie Airplane, when the guy imagines hanging himself so he wouldn’t have to listen anymore. I ran off that plane! Well, as much as I could with a sling on my arm and a carry-on.
Jenna’s friend and co-worker, Terri, was in on the surprise and offered to pick me up at the airport and hide me until party time. I don’t know which one of us was more excited about the surprise, Terri or me? We had a fun afternoon talking and having some wine at her beautiful house out in the country. The party was absolutely lovely-thrown at her bosses amazing house. I will try to upload the video at the end of this post.
I sent the video to Tyler who was visiting my mom at Handmaker. After sending it we FaceTime called them and mom was in tears after watching the video. Jenna couldn’t believe the change since the last time we did that a few weeks ago. It’s pretty dramatic, so if you haven’t seen her in a while, be prepared!