It’s strange, but Rick sees small improvements better than I do. I keep focusing on what isn’t, while he sees what is. I guess it’s obvious who the optimist is. And no, I do not see myself as a pessimist-I see myself as more of a realist. Mom was able to move her hand a little and stand very briefly. But will that make a difference in the long run? Not so sure. On the other hand, I do feel that the more we talk about meaningful things, the more I see an improvement in her attitude. We need that. She is so psyched about the wedding and we talked about how that would work. It’s just guessing at this point, but I’m sure we’ll have a better idea soon.
I think she gets kind of lonely there sometimes. It’s tough to spend a lot of time there for those of us who visit her, I can only imagine how much it sucks being there 24/7! I’m glad it’s the weekend because she seems to get more visitors then. I spent a couple hours with her after she had dinner last night. I think I kept her up a little later than usual….I finished up her manicure, so of course mine looks like shit, but oh well.
If you’ve been thinking of visiting, I would encourage you to do it. I think she’d love it and you might be pleasantly surprised. She is definitely looking better than when she was at TMC! I’m keeping it short today-Just tired and don’t have a lot to say…..