Today marks 1 full week since mom got out of TMC (for the third time). And the first full week she has been home. The idea that we will continue this kind of schedule for any great length of time is daunting. Or impossible. You pick the term. Because I sure as hell don’t know….
Unfortunately, the first night with Lunesta was not all that I had hoped it would be. I hope that after a few days with it, it will improve. Actually, hope is not strong enough of a word. It has to improve. Some days you get up and see all the good stuff, all the possibilities, and some days (today), you have despair. Those days can take you to your knees.
All the while you are listening to the same stories and are being bossed around constantly and you fantasize about running down the street screaming. Mom is starting to remind me of Mickey with all the let’s go here and there to eat. It’s bad enough that I have NO time to go to the gym these days, lets not eat a bunch of fattening food in restaurants every day too….Today we are getting on each others last nerves. It’s bound to happen occasionally. We are just not used to being around each other this much and we clearly need a break.
Mom had an early appointment with her primary care physician. He took a look at all of her meds, and decided that since she has been having really low blood pressure, we’d get rid of both her blood pressure medication and her cholesterol medication (since her cholesterol is no longer high) . He feels that the low blood pressure could be contributing to her dizziness and unsteadiness. Sure hope it helps. When the doctor heard how the in home care was happening, he just looked at me and said this can’t go on for long. No shit, Sherlock!
Yesterday we met with a case manager/social worker, she said that I need to tell people how they can help when they want to come for a visit. It needs to be scheduled so that it is actually helpful. That if I could have mom’s friends come at times that would allow me to come late on my sleep away days or leave early on the nights I get to go home it would be far better than the middle of the day times. Although my Tuesday to Thursday runs are 60 straight hours with NO break, and so far not great sleep either (except for the one night). Unless you count sitting on the patio for 7 minutes having a cigarette, a break. Can’t say that I do. The more breaks I can get, the longer I can hang in there and keep this thing going…….That being said, if anyone would like to help out by taking an 8 a.m. to 10 or 11a.m. shift this Saturday or Monday morning or a 5 or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. slot this Sunday, it would be great and much appreciated! Just in case I am not being clear, this is freaking hard! I miss my life.