After a lovely evening and night at home, I got up wishing I could stay in bed another couple of hours, but rushed over to mom’s instead, to relieve Connie. Mom did not sleep a lot for Connie. Poor thing. I know that drill. The good thing is Connie gets to go home and take a nap. When you are here around the clock, you rarely get a nap of your own. For one thing, mom usually expects some food to be ready when she wakes up. We have visitors scheduled throughout the day, and hope it is exhausting enough that she might sleep well tonight.
Rick brought up a good point yesterday. He said there are 168 hours in a week. If I have Connie here watching mom for 48 hours, that still leaves me with 120, which is still 3 times as much as a full-time job. No wonder I am exhausted and have very little time to myself. We obviously will need to continue to make adjustments as the situation evolves. Building a guest house at our house is starting to seem very likely….I found the perfect spot where she would have a great view of the pool and spa. I can see it in my head. She could have a private entrance with a gentle ramp from the driveway so her friends could easily come visit her. We’ll see…..
Rick and Idgie came to spend the night and Rick and I ran to Rincon Market to get some fish from the fish Nazi-it was the first time we had been there since it was rebuilt. Ho-hum, it looks the same. Anyway, we had a nice evening and binge watched Grace and Frankie on Netflix. So glad Tyler hooked the Roku up on mom’s TV. It’s been a hit. Mom seemed much steadier on her feet and walked around quite a bit. Since she hates the Thera-putty or plast, whatever the heck it’s called, I got her to sort a pile of coins with her left hand, and that seemed to be far more interesting to her, so we’ll see how long she can stand to do it. I figure anything we can do to work on the fine motor skills will be a help, even if she does call me bossy. I’ve been called worse ; )