Well, the stupid cat finally came back in the morning and actually stuck pretty close to home today….thank god! I got to mom’s house around 9, and Steve was sitting with her having coffee. I needed that extra hour to go get the chemo drugs, and if not this morning or tomorrow morning, not real sure when I would have been able to get there. Mom tried to play some canasta with Mary and Rosemarie last night and really struggled with the rules. She seemed very frustrated with that. Poor thing….
We had a big day today, seeing the neurosurgeon, neuro oncologist, then radiation and the in-home RN. Her feet were really swollen today again and I was worried, but apparently it is par for the course. Dr. B prescribed lunesta so that she can sleep through the night with some regularity. Of course, stupid CVS didn’t get it ready before closing. God, they suck! Last night she took a Xanax and actually slept for 6 hours-but that kind of sleep has never happened when I was there….Tomorrow the bed alarm should arrive. That’s because she still sneaks out of bed without letting me or Connie know. She said she hates those things because they are so loud. Hello, THAT’S THE POINT!!!
While we were in the radiation waiting room, we talked to the wife of one of the patients we see everyday-you really start to bond with these people…..Anyway, mom was talking about getting get well cards from people and how cancer patients have a good chance of not getting well. Or as she put it, it’s not the effing flu. It’s cancer. Well, is not likely. Comfortable, maybe. Prolonging a good quality of life, possibly. Happy times, ok….but she has a bone to pick with the getting well, or speedy recovery cards and it is starting to flat-out piss her off. I explained people just want you to feel better, and ummm, there aren’t cancer cards readily available. I see her point, and maybe that’s what I’ll focus on soon. A good line of cancer cards-lol! With a healthy dose of humor-because one thing I’ve noticed is these folks have a good sense of humor and not a lot of patience for bullshit, and religious references brings a string of expletives as well (at least from MY mom). She has always been pretty anti-religious. Or as she puts it, if you are running from bombs and machine gun fire as a child, and you haven’t done anything wrong, how can you believe that there is a higher being that would let this shit happen. Good point.
Tomorrow we are going to order a tempur-pedic adjustable base bed, and she couldn’t be any more excited about it. It’s also the day I will cancel my gym membership, because I don’t see how I will ever get there again any time soon. I can see my muscle tone going to shit by the day, but hey with the amount I am smoking these days, what the hell. That, and the lack of decent sleep lately and I am now a good example of a completely unhealthy state of being.