Tuesday, August 11th

Mom’s first appointment yesterday was with Dr. Schroeder, of arrogant fame…..He first told her that she could still not wash her hair or get her incision wet which did not go over well. Between the steroids she gets for the swelling in the brain and the radiation, apparently the incision will not heal as quickly as it would otherwise. She then asked him when she could drive again, to which he replied, “Oh, you are not going to drive again.” “Ever?” she asked. “No” he replied. I thought she was going to totally lose it at that. She looked so sad, so defeated. He explained to her why that is. Things change in the brain, after trauma, including surgery and radiation. Thought processes are different, you may not react the same way to data your brain is processing, which makes driving dangerous to yourself and those sharing the road with you. She totally understood, but what she basically heard is, your independence just left the building. He also showed us the MRI they did last Monday. He showed us the outline of the tumor he gutted. It was impressive. He also discussed the growth of the inoperable tumor. I asked, (stupidly, apparently) “was it significant growth?” “if it shows up, it’s significant.” Thanks for clearing that up asshole.

Her second appointment was her radiation appointment, and she announced “I got some bad news today.” Her radiation techs, Tiffany and Jeff, dealing with cancer patients all day, every day, were horrified. When she explained she couldn’t drive again, they both breathed a sigh of relief. They told her she could be like Jessica Tandy in Driving Miss Daisy, I said wait, that makes me Morgan Freeman….

Her third appointment was with Dr. Badruddojah, (I still feel like I spell his name differently every time). When she talked to Dr. B about the driving thing, he told her it was way too soon to make that kind of determination. We should wait until two weeks after the radiation and chemo treatments are over and see where we are. Rick thinks that they play good cop bad cop on purpose. I don’t really care, but the bottom line is that Dr. B gives her hope, and that’s okay by me.

We talked at length about the possibility of not driving, and what that will mean. I told her I am happy to drive her where she wants to go, and when (if?) she gets to the place where she is living alone, if she wants to go someplace there is always a taxi or uber. I love uber. It just means no more car insurance, car maintenance, looking for a parking place. Lots of people live happy lives without driving. Later on Rick and I discussed it further, and decided the best thing for her will be to make this next part of her life as similar to the pre-cancer phase as possible. I will take her to the base for water aerobics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I will take her to her art class on Thursdays. We can do this.

I went to her house to wash the floors after I left HealthSouth, and to try to get her pain-in-the-butt cat, Brandy to come back in. I was there for over 2 hours. The cats are officially in the house with no outside privileges, until mom gets home on Thursday. Enough already! Upon returning to HealthSouth, (and hand delivering the evening cocktail)  I met with her case manager and we scheduled a family training day for tomorrow. I will go through all of her therapies with her, they will teach me what to do and will show me how to safely get her into and out of my car.

I apologize for not writing yesterday, but aside from being super busy, my internet was not working and I did not have the time to do anything about it. I got it going again this morning and we are back online. Halleluljah!

It’s crunch time!