Back to the States!

We left Nova Scotia bright and early Sunday morning and made the long drive out (or oat, in Canada). 12 1/2 hours including multiple, but brief stops and a whole lot of rain and slow driving. We probably could have saved time by going on the Interstates, but we decided to take Highway 2 after Bangor Maine, which meandered through some amazing little areas and some adorable little towns that we had never heard of. Gorham and Lancaster, New Hampshire were two we really liked, and we landed in Stowe, Vermont. It is a big ski resort in the winter. Nothing like the kind of skiing we are accustomed to in the Rockies! These are some small mountains, but the town is beautiful! Lots of great restaurants and some nice looking shops.

We decided to stay for two nights so we could do some hiking on the many trails in the area. The Stowehof Inn is an old Inn, built in the 1940’s. It has great character, and it’s a lovely setting. Our room had a four poster bed with a dressing room and balcony. It is a quaint, comfortable, rambling old place with lots of antiques, hardwood floors and fireplaces. There is a big moose head mounted on the landing on the wall in the  stairway leading to our room. It was given to the Inn by Alan Alda after he finished filming the 1980 movie “Four Seasons.” There was a violent scene involving the moose….I will need to watch that movie again sometime.

Monday morning, greeted us with non-stop rain, so we had to alter our plans completely. Instead of exercise and the great outdoors, we got a big lunch and the great indoors. Oh well, stuff happens. We considered driving to the Ben & Jerry’s factory which is in Waterbury, but the Yelp reviews of the place were bad-you basically stand in line (for up to an hour) to pay $2 to watch an infomercial about the company then get a miniscule sample of the flavor of the day. Umm, no thank you. Sorry Tyler! We went in to the village for lunch instead and drove around the area, followed by a little nap and some serious reading in the lodge looking out over the manicured grounds and the forest.

On Tuesday morning we headed toward Niagara Falls for a couple of nights. We decided to stay in Rochester since we have a friend who lives there. Found another wonderful deal at the Hyatt Regency through Priceline. God, I love that site! We had a wonderful dinner and turned in early so we could get an early start on the Falls. It began to rain like crazy about an hour after we arrived. We went to the Cave of the Wind where you walk through a cave and get right next to the falls. The water came at us from everywhere, the sky, the falls, the spray when it hits the rocks. Luckily they issue you a pair of rubber sandals and a yellow rain poncho and set you loose to wander at will. I was soaked anyway. Have to admit, at first glance from above our first thought was-thought they’d be bigger. But from below they are pretty amazing and once you get on the Maid of the Mist (the boat-wearing a newly issued  blue poncho), and you get right up to the falls, wow! Combine that with the storm raging around us and it was terrifying. There was a clap of thunder and a bolt of lightening while we were on the top deck and I nearly jumped out of my skin. This is an experience that reminds me of the Grand Canyon….. You see it, you are awed by it and you are kind of done. So we headed up to Lewiston, which is a great little town to the north and had a little lunch at The Silo, a Man vs. Food place.

We met our friend Amit, and his fiancee’ Dishy, at a great place called Dinosaur Barbeque for a late dinner, some cocktails, live music and a lot of talking. We have known Amit for many years through the dental biz, but this was our first time meeting Dishy. They are a beautiful couple and we wish them well and thank them both for the lovely evening! Hopefully we can reciprocate the hospitality in Tucson sometime……