Thursday, December 3rd

It’s starting to be funny. I got up this morning and had some nice hot coffee and turned on the Today Show. I went upstairs and all of a sudden the lights in the bathroom went out. You got it-no electricity. Not just us though, thank god. Our neighbors lost theirs as well. But….really? Rick, usually Mr. always look at the bright side, said good god, what else? I, ever the realist, said water? Then we both laughed, me a little more, and perhaps sounding semi-hysterical. (it came back on two hours later!)

The interesting thing about the gas leak, was that not only did we have a huge leak just outside the garage, but also in the kitchen behind the range and in the furnace room in the garage where the gas line was teed off to go to the gas range when we remodeled 13 years ago. So, at this point we should just be thankful that we weren’t blown to kingdom come…small things that make you grateful-hahaha!

I’m keeping this brief today. Obviously if electricity is out, so is the internet. Tyler and I burned through tons of our mobile allotment while Internet shopping on our phones while in San Diego. I’m sure overages will be brutal. Although, at this point, who cares…..