Yesterday was not a good day. I got there mid-morning and mom would not wake up. Lunch came around and still nothing. I spoke to the nurses aid and she said they got her in to a wheelchair and took her to the dining room at breakfast and brought her a bowl of oatmeal. She was not able to feed herself and could not speak. The aid fed her and took her back to her room and got her to bed. She never did have another bite the rest of the day. I was able to get her a sip of soda once around 1:00 but she had a hard time swallowing and coughed a lot. She briefly half-opened her eyes a few times but never really woke up or ate or drank anything the rest of the day.
SO many people stopped by yesterday and everyone was shocked at the drastic change. I spent 6 hours there on Friday, and Saturday still managed to shock the hell out of me. We went home to make some dinner around 5:30 and were back before 8…..still nothing. We turned on her favorite Brit-coms and she just kept sleeping. By a little after 10 there was still no change and we called it a day. Scared out of my wits to see what today will bring. Getting to sleep was a chore, staying asleep was also a chore. The only thing that helped was a Benadryl around midnight and another around 4. I know I need the sleep because I have a bad feeling about today.
That’s all I have at this point. But, before I sign off, I need to say one more thing. I cannot believe what wonderful friends my mom has. You guys surprise and amaze me every single day. I have just recently gotten to meet some and have gotten to get much closer to others that I have known. You guys have helped us so much going through all of this and you will never know how much it means to us. I talked to my mom about this the other day. How did you make so many wonderful friends? She told me that you have to get involved with things that interest you and it just happens. The German Club, the Officers Club, her art, the canasta group, the Sam Hughes neighborhood…..she did a lot and it paid off in deep, lasting friendships. She is one lucky lady in so many ways. Just not so much these last few months……
Quick update: when I got to Handmaker mom had already had some oatmeal and was awake but her speech was still pretty much unintelligible. I fed her some bean soup at lunch and then she had a cheese blintz and some applesauce. I tried one too-how is it that I’ve never had that before. They are delicious. Anyway, an improvement for now.